
Hybrid 3, Chapter 18: Resistance Strike

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Chapter 18:
Resistance Strike

February 4th, 2361

    As Helen’s Bravery flew down the atmosphere, Alexander looked through the front window and saw Helbots ships launching themselves out of the ocean. The ships flew towards a city and started bombarding skyscrapers with torpedoes and lasers. Alexander rushed into the briefing room for an immediate meeting.

    He typed a few codes on the table and a holographic map of the planet’s surface appeared. Alpha inserted his current data from his scanner into the table. Red botches appeared and moving towards the city from the ocean. Alexander knew those were Helbots.

    “Look at this,” Alexander pointed to the map. “The Helbots seemed to be coming from the ocean instead of flying from space.”

    Alpha said, “I just scanned the ocean bottom and there is a Spacer gate at 2 miles from the sea fan. Between the shore and the gate is another city probably inhabited with Aquatics or Tunains.”

    “So what is your plan Alexander?” General Floundo asked.

    “The civilians in the coastal city may be trapped,” said Alexander as he zoom the map into that city. “It looks like there are evacuation shuttles just at the east wing. We would have to get the civilians from the city and escort the shuttles out of the killzone. Once they are safe, we pursue our forces into the water and destroy that gate. With our luck, we would be able to finish off the rest of the Helbot once that is destroyed.”

    “Someone is trying to contact us,” said Yuya as he was adjusting the radio signals on the communication panels.

    He adjusted slowly enough for them to hear who it was. “This is Mayor Weatherbee of Port Mascon! We are being attacked! If anyone could hear me, I need my civilians out of the city! Please, help us!”

    “Can we communicate with him?” Alexander asked.

    “Signal is too weak,” said Yuya.

    “Alright, it is time for us to head to the city and rescue those civilians,” said Alexander. “Is everyone clear?”

    Everyone nodded. “Let’s do this!”

    Alexander puts on his starsuit and runs into the hanger. Vyla put her mask back on and strapped the apparatus into her gills. Then she grabbed her outer armor and strapped it back on. She and her Aquatic soldiers then grabbed their tridents and rifles as they broad the warthogs. David and his Casters put on their capes and took their staff as they got on the carriage. The marines and Cobains strapped their battle suits. The rebels loaded their weapons and got on a couple of tanks. They were all ready for battle.

    Helen’s Bravery landed at the outskirts of the city. The houses were crumbled into hills of dust and stone. The hanger door opened and they rushed out of the ship. Alexander took out his solar rifle and sprinted down the street. Warthogs and tanks hovered out with soldiers on them.

    As Alexander was ahead of the group, a horde of Helbots ran towards the resistance. He took cover behind a stack of crushed hovercrafts and looked to see what kind of Helbots they were dealing with. Two brutes and the rest were twenty-five infantry. Lasers zipped from their guns as the Helbots try to pin down the resistance. There was a hovercraft nearly damaged in the middle of the street and an idea popped out of Alexander’s head. He took cover behind it and puts a bomb in the driver’s seat. He lifted the hovercraft up and kicked to the Helbots like a giant soccer ball. As the hovercraft was in the middle of the army, he pulled out a control stick and pushed the button. The hovercraft exploded and sends waves of static discharges, frying most of them. Marines took out a bazooka and fired at the brutes. Aquamaid soldiers charged up to them and impaled their tridents into the robots’ heads. They won the first round, but there would be more Helbots to come.

    Aoife increased the magnification on the scope of her sniper rifle as she was on top of a brick building. Howie did the same thing as he was on the other side of the street. Helbots marched into Main Street from each road. Aoife fired at their heads knowing that was their weak point when it comes to sniper firing.

    Then a few Helbots in cloaks leaped onto the tops of buildings and aimed their rifles at her. She ducked her head to reload her weapon. She tried to aim at them, but nearly got scrapped by their lasers. Howie then fired his sniper at the Helbots for distraction. She finally got up and finished those snipers off. The two stayed at their position to fire at the Helbots from a distance to give Alexander and other forces time to get to the city.

    David and the Casters drove faster down the street as they were close to the city. They caught up with Alexander and a brute out of nowhere fired a photo launcher into carriage. The Casters jumped off just before it exploded. David got back on his feet and helped his friends get back up as well. Alexander fired at the brute that was at the top of a disk tower. He then climbed up to that tower and the brute tried to fire his weapon, but couldn’t aim it down far enough. He nearly got to the top and took out his laser sword. He sprung himself up and impaled the brute in the head. Once it was destroyed, he puts another bomb and pushed it off the tower. It fell into another Helbot army and Alexander pushed the button. That army was then blown up into scraps.

    They finally got to the city just as they were hearing screams of human civilians. Alexander looked forwards and saw people running out of their hovercrafts as Helbots were shooting at them. He sprinted towards the people as he fired his rifle at the charging Helbots. Helbot packs ran after both the resistance and civilians.

    Vyla and Hortor swung their tridents at the packs that leaped onto them. Limbs and heads were sliced apart as the packs lay on the tridents. Three stories at the other side of the street, Helbot soldiers started firing on them and Vyla fired her trident. Aoife ran up to her and fired her sniper at them.

    “David, can you hear me?!” Alexander shouted while firing at the Helbots.

    “Yeah,” David shouted. “What are we going to do to get these civilians out?”

    “We have to cut this chase,” said Alexander. “I need your Casters to help me block their way while the Cobains and my marines escort them into the shuttle.”

    “We are on our way,” said David.

     The Casters got to the intersection and David shot light bolts out of his staff at the Helbots. Lugubelenus and Luigsech threw pins of ice with enough force to go through the head. The Helbots turned to them instead of chasing the civilians. Two Helbots charged with shotguns, Alexander impaled them with his laser sword. David fired fireballs at a Helbot who was about to spray them with napalm. The fireballs hit the tank and that Helbot exploded. They ducked as napalm splattered everywhere.

    The three Casters lined up and raised their staffs in the air. A wall of thick strong ice rose from the ground over the Helbots. These machines were then encased, but Alexander did not know how long that would last. The Aquatic soldiers joined with them.

    “Now what?” General Floundo asked.

    “I will have David’s Caster and I stay put until the civilians get to the shuttles,” said Alexander. “You guys let me know when they are off the ground.”

    “Just be careful,” said General Floundo. “Those machines are unpredictable.”

    The Aquatic soldiers hurried to the civilians. Hortor ran and fired two ionic crossbows at some Helbots who continued to shoot them. He shouted at them to come after him. The Helbots turned to fire at him and he ducked for at the alley entrance.

    Vyla fired her trident with General Floundo at a Helbot who was on top of a building carrying a napalm tank. The Aquatic soldiers ran into a building get to the top. Vyla sprinted up the fire exit stairs.  She got to the top and two Helbots charged at her. She somersaulted passed them and swung her trident. Then she pushed them off the roof and they fell back to the ground. Hortor was then able to finish them off.

    The Helbot ran faster than her despite having a huge tank on its’ back. She was stopped at the edge and found the distance between her and the next building too far for her to jump forward. The Helbot was then running next to the civilians and about to spray his napalm on them. She took the risk and threw her trident high into the sky. Then she watched as it bends down and fell straight into the Helbot’s tank. The trident impaled through and the Helbot exploded.

    “Yeah!” she cheered.

    Her celebration cut short as angry Helbots climbed into the roof. They snarled and took out their machines guns. She raised her shield and sprinted across as they fired upon her.

    General Floundo ran up to the Helbots and laser blades came out of his arms. He swung them around as he sliced most of their guns off their hands. They took out their swords and blades clashed, sending sparks everywhere. Vyla returned as her shield was recharged and her laser blades impaled the Helbots that were behind her general.

    Hortor came up to join the fight. Other Helbots fired at him, but he blocked them as he spun around his trident. He threw it at a large Helbot and impaled the stomach. The Helbots charged at him and he fired their heads apart with his crossbows. The three Aquatics won their roof battle.

    The civilians were then far away from the Helbots. But the Helbots broke free from the ice and Alexander’s fight continued. Alexander found a plasma cannon on the road and picked it up. He fired victoriously at the machines. With each hit, the Helbots shattered and sparks flew out.

    David used his staff to pick up the sharp fragments of the ice and then hits them in the head. The other two Casters fired fireballs at a Helbot Kat that was fired its mini-guns from the back. They got to cover and Alexander fired his cannon at it. The kat shook its body and roared. It leaped up to Alexander, but he sliced the belly and wires spilled out of the body.

    Alexander found two swords and charged at more Helbots. He sliced off the limbs off of them as he swung the swords. Then the Casters helped him out as he ran up to him and fired lightning bolts at remaining machines.

    “Alex, we got the civilians into the shuttles with their marines help,” said Aoife in the speakers.

    “Great!” Alexander smiled. “We are on our way!”

    He and the Casters rushed to the shuttles. Civilians walking into the ship covered in bandages stained in blood. A few had burned faces and arms. The local marines got onto the shuttles as they saw Helbots coming down from a mountain slopes. They carried their machines guns and cannons and began to aim at the shuttles.

    Alexander rushed up to the first Helbot and shot it down with a shotgun. He rushed up to the next ones and shot them down with ease. The shuttles started to get hit as the Helbot fired their cannons. Aoife and Howie got on the turrets of their warthogs and the drivers hit the accelerated up the slope. The two of them fired mercilessly against the machines. One Helbot stopped the warthog and about to lift it off the ground. But Aoife fired the turret at the head until its head was blown off.

    Alexander got on Howie’s warthog and hanged on to the side. He waved his laser sword around, slicing any Helbot that got in their way. A Minotaur runs down the hill towards the shuttles with an axe. Howie drove to catch up to it and Alexander jumped off the warthog to hold onto the horns. The Minotaur roared and swung its body around to get him off of it. But Alexander dug his laser sword into its robotic brain and it collapsed. He jumped off and slid down the slope. They finished off the Helbots and returned back to the shuttles just as they were taking off.

    “Ok, the Helbot are coming out from that underwater gate,” said Alexander. “We have to get the ship submerged and destroy that thing. Daniel, would your men handle fighting the Helbots still in the city?”

    “Hey no problem,” said Daniel. “If that portal you are talking about gets destroyed, we would have a great chance at winning.”

    The resistance hurried back into Helen’s Bravery and took off. Helbot ships spotted the shuttles and fired upon them. But Helen’s Bravery fired torpedoes at the Helbots, which caused them to get into a chase. The ship turned around and kept their aim at the back. More Helbot ships arrived and flew after Helen’s Bravery as they recognized it from before. All of them fired their weapons in hopes of blowing that ship down. But it warped away and did a U-turn, passing the fleet without a scratch. The ships slowed down as they turned around, but it already dived into the ocean.

    “Awesome!” Aoife shouted to Alexander. “This would give us a chance to blow that damn portal!”

    Howie said, “All our weapons need to be recharged.”

    “How long would that take?” Alexander asked.

    “About five minutes give or take,” said Howie.

    “The Casters and I can overload them that way the weapons would recharge faster than five minutes,” said David.

    “Would there be problems with that?” Alexander asked. “Would this harm you and the ship?”

    “If we only do it for a short time, I think we would be ok,” said David.

    “Do it now,” said Alexander. “But please be careful.”

    The Casters run to the engineering station and use their powers to recharge the weapons faster. Helbot ships dived back into the water as they returned to chase them again. The ship’s shield was raised to hold off their firing for a short time. They dove down into the continental slope.

    As they got to the ocean floor, they saw the giant ring with a bright glowing vortex. Alexander knew that was the Spacer’s gate. Below the gate was a pyramid structure. As he saw that structure, he remembered seeing that as the gate’s maintenance system. This was the same type that was on Purelif.

    “Hey, the weapons are fully recharged now!” Howie shouted.

    “David, are you ok?” Alexander asked in the speakers.

    David answered, “We’re fine! You guys can now destroy that gate!”

    Howie asked, “Where do you want me to fire?”

    Alexander asked, “Alpha, where should we fire without making it suck most of the planet?”

    Alpha said, “If you fire upon the maintenance system, the gate would shut down.”

    “Time to hit it where it hurt!” Howie shouted and aimed at the pyramid structure.

    Helen’s Bravery fired the railguns into the maintenance structure twice. Lightning sparks out of the diamond top, which traveled up to the ring. Lasers fired to increase the damage as they continued to fire the railguns. The structure shook violently and finally exploded. The vortex disappeared and the ring crashed to the ground.

    The Helbots fired a storm behind Helen’s Bravery as their anger had increased. The ship flew back into the surface as those ships were on their tail. The rebels’ ships flew passed Helen’s Bravery and fired at the Helbots. They hold them off until the ship did a U-turn and flew back to finish the fleet with the railguns. As one last Helbot ship was destroyed, the ships landed back into the city.

    As they walked out of the ship, Alpha scanned around and said, “All Helbots have been eliminated.”

    “Are you sure?” Alexander asked.

    “Yes,” said Alpha. “Those rebels that joined us just helped the locals finish them off apparently.”

    “We kicked the Helbots off the planet!” Howie jumped. “First try as resistance!”

    They looked and saw the shuttles they protected returned. Those ships landed next to the ship and civilians and soldiers walked out. A middle-aged man in a burned suit with bandages around his forehead walked up to the resistance. He looked around in amazement as he saw a huge variety of beings on Alexander’s side. The soldiers on his side were bewildered as they wondered what happened to the Helbots.

    The man came up to Alexander and said, “You guys stopped them?”

    Alexander nodded, “Yes, we have received your distress call and got your people out safely.”

    “I thank you!” the man smiled and shook Alexander’s hand. “I’m Mayor Jonathan Weatherbee of Port Mascon.”

    “I’m Alexander McAuliffe,” Alexander smiled. “We are the Spacers’ Resistance. We travel to help everyone fight the Helbot off planets. We can also provide you with more defenses if you need.”

    Mayor Weatherbee said, “Anyone that saves my city has become my friend. We are happy for you to help us and we could help you in return.”

    “Great, thanks!” Alexander shook his hand. “It is an honor!”

    For days, Alexander rushed to the medical bay to check up on Colonel Chan. As he injected medicine and vitamins into him, he said, “Colonel, you have no idea what we are doing. A week ago, we saved a colony! The Helbots were coming from this Spacer gate that was at the bottom of the ocean. We got civilians out of the city and dove down and destroyed it. As we got the Helbots off this planet, we have been helping the locals rebuild their homes. My engineers had repaired and upgraded their defense towers and ships. I even offered supplies to help rebuilt farms. The marines taught the mayor’s soldiers how to use their weapons and ways for them to defeat the Helbots easier. Vyla and her Aquamaids helped mend the wounded and sick civilians as they provided better medicine. But don’t worry, we will find a way to get you treated so you can wake up. I just hope Cahan does not find us again. We have to get back home and stop him before he creates more havoc. Just please hang in there.”
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